Kicking Off 2024 with Mary: A Heart-to-Heart on Renewal and Action
So, you know how every new year feels like a fresh slate? Well, I've been thinking about how we can genuinely embrace that feeling, especially with the Feast of the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God...

The Many Faces of Mary: A Man’s Guide to Marian Devotions with a Spotlight on Our Lady of Sorrows
Life throws curveballs that you didn't see coming. One minute you're feeling like a rockstar, and the next you're wading through the muck, trying to balance work, relationships, and your own well-b...

Sanctify Your Summer - Bring Prayer to Every Adventure
Friends, As we embark upon July and hit the summer stride that includes baseball games, outdoor excursions, camping, fishing and maybe even a trip to your favorite vacation spot, have you ever won...
2023 Design Ideas + Daily Prayer Tips
Wow, I love hearing from all of you. Last week we sent you a survey to find out how we can support your mission in 2023. What a response! Thank you. Based on this feedback I have come up with ...

Check Out These Great Resources For Mental Health!
Last week I began a one year program in the Resilient Catholics Community lead by Dr. Peter Malinoski at soulsandhearts.com. Souls and Hearts was developed to meet the needs of practicing Catholic...

This begs the question: Would I recognize Jesus? I think it's safe to say that most of the time the answer is no, and the main reason is found in Fr. Sebastien's words above. "Grace...is a reali...

On my worst days I can fall victim to being anxious about my anxiety where I'm convinced that this cross is a barrier to God's will being realized in my life. If instead we surrender that struggl...
I wrote an article on Monday called Public Enemy #1 about my encounter in adoration. In that email I challenged you to think about the #1 habitual sin in your life, and I offered some suggestions ...