About Us
About The Catholic Woodworker
The Catholic Woodworker exists to equip families for battle in the modern world. We do this by creating beautiful and durable spiritual weapons, like our handmade wooden rosaries, that inspire a continuous conversion in the hearts of Catholic men and women.
We are a family owned and operated Catholic small business located in Westfield, IN, with an incredible team spread across North America who help bring our spiritual weapons to all of you around the world. You can read more about the team here.
Our Mission
We believe that prayer is a daily battle best fought with weapons suitable for the task. Each of our wooden rosary products and other devotional items are built for this purpose in a unique way, and our business is, in many ways, a sort of ministry.
"Woodworking is how I evangelize. As a woodworker, I desire the resurrection of heirloom quality rosaries and crucifixes. As a man of faith, I desire for every home to be adorned with a crucifix, and every pocket and purse to be sanctified with a rosary. I pray that what I write in these pages and what I build with my hands will inspire men and women to strengthen their prayer life and deepen their faith." - Jonathan, The Catholic Woodworker
We aim to inspire families to live out their vocations through the holy rosary and consecration to Mary. Our handmade rosary, home altar, and crucifix options and resources help men and women bring an element of spirituality into their daily lives. Together, we pursue spiritual health, family protection, and holiness in all we do.
About Our Emblem

Our emblem is a representation of our values:
- Christ must be at the center of our lives if we are to live the Christian life well.
- Spiritual warfare is real, and St. Paul perfectly summarizes it for us in Ephesians Chapter 6.
- The sides of the shield are all equal and remind us of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- Navy Blue for Mary, our Mother, our Queen, our intercessor and advocate. To Jesus through Mary!
About The Rosary
“Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.” ~ Blessed Pope Pius IX
We are the church militant for a reason. It takes an army to win souls for Christ and there is no greater weapon than the rosary. We are on a mission to spread this devotion and put a handmade rosary in the hands of men and women across the world. The rosary has saved my career, my family, my marriage, and my soul, and I pray it changes your life in similar ways. The fruits of the rosary are many, and it is the surest way to heaven for one very simple reason: The Rosary and evil cannot coexist. If you commit to praying the rosary daily with a contrite and humble heart, Mary will change your heart.
About the Crucifix
"Never let your home be without a crucifix upon its walls, to the end that all who enter it may know that you are a disciple of a Crucified Lord, and that you are not ashamed to own it." ~ St. John Vianney
Make an effort each day to look upon the cross, touch the wounds of Christ, kiss them, and thank Him for dying that we have life. Let the crucifix transform your heart, and inspire you to live the Christian life well.
It is in giving that we receive, and as such we are truly grateful for your continued support of this ministry. With every purchase of a handmade rosary or crucifix, you are supporting us, our passion for sharing the rosary and devotion to the Holy Family, and most importantly the incredible ministries that do so much in the world of evangelization. A portion of proceeds go to support:
- Mary’s Meals – A no-frills charity with a simple idea that works; by providing one good meal in a place of learning, children are drawn into the classroom where they can receive an education that could one day free them from poverty.
- The Catholic Man Show – Adam and Dave are the hosts of this awesome podcast promoting manly virtue with a twist of humor, a stiff drink, and loads of testosterone. Add to that, the growing Council of Man community is a great place for men to gather online and get recharged for the fight in front of them. #cheerstojesus
- Exodus 90 – A band of virtuous men on a mission to free Catholic men from the slavery of sin through formation, brotherhood, asceticism, and prayer.
- The Catholic Gentleman – A blog for Catholic men that seeks to encourage virtue, the pursuit of holiness, and the art of true masculinity.
- Pints with Aquinas – Matt Fradd is an awesome podcaster, blogger, and evangelist. He has brought new life to the often difficult but incredibly powerful writings of St. Thomas Aquinas which is a tremendous gift in an increasingly lost culture.
Allow us to inspire you and encourage your spiritual development in ways you didn’t know were possible. Shop Catholic Woodworker now for prayer kits, wooden rosaries, crucifixes, and more. We are proud to walk with our brothers and sisters in Christ.