
2023 Design Ideas + Daily Prayer Tips

Wow, I love hearing from all of you.  Last week we sent you a survey to find out how we can support your mission in 2023.  What a response!  Thank you.  Based on this feedback I have come up with the following list of potential new products for 2023:

  • St. Michael and 7 Sorrows Chaplets
  • Prayer shelf for home altar, statues, and books
  • Rosary Hanger for 1, 5, and 12+
  • Holy Water Font with crucifix and slot for morning offer prayer card
  • Prayer Kneeler (some assembly will be required)
Hit reply and let me know which possible new products you are most interested in!
Many of you expressed interest in either establishing or improving a daily rosary habit.  I wanted to share a few thoughts on this.
  1. Pray WITH someone.  I pray the rosary every day at 7:30am Eastern.  You can join us here.  It's just a google meet, very informal.  We'd love to have you.  You can dial-in, we can't see you unless you turn your camera on, and no one takes attendance.  You can optionally register for the recording which will send you an email when the live rosary recording for that day gets published.
  2. Distractions can be a clue.  I wrote an article last year on Distractions in Prayer.  Just because you get distracted during the rosary doesn't mean it's a waste of time and doesn't mean you are failing.  I share my experience and recommendations in the article.
  3. Tell a friend. If you are serious about making this a priority, tell a friend and commit to texting them everyday for a month when you complete it.
  4. Be specific.  When will you prayer, where will you pray, how will you pray: On my way to work, in the car using the Hallow App
  5.  Be realistic.  I saw a recommendation from a Catholic Fitness program recently about the workout that's best for you is the one you'll actually do.  Prayer works the same way.  It's ok to start with a decade a day or a Hail Mary a day.  
  6. Use good tools.  Our customers tell us consistently that our prayer tools inspire, they are excited to pray with them.  Our rosaries don't break, you can carry your home altar with you anywhere you go, and the artwork we use is beautiful for a reason.

Reading next

Checkout this Illustrated Book co-authored by Scott Hahn! - The Catholic Woodworker