St. John Bosco
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A St. John Bosco medal is the perfect gift for the young men in your life or anyone who works with youth. Our high-quality medal zooms in on the smiling face of this beloved saint, reminding you to serve Jesus with joy!
St. John Bosco was raised by a single mother in the early 19th century. This special young soul felt a call to evangelize youth even when he was a youth himself! He learned to juggle, walk a tightrope, and perform magic tricks in order to attract crowds to a carnival show in his front yard. Neighborhood spectators had to say a decade of the Rosary and listen to a Sunday sermon in order to be admitted to the show.
John always knew he was going to be a priest, a calling that fueled his studies. Finally, in 1841, he was ordained a priest in Turin, Italy. He soon founded what he called “the Oratory”—a group of ragged young boys who would gather for instruction, Mass, and Confession. The group quickly grew to over 500 members! During the week, St. John Bosco would visit the boys in the shops and factories where they worked in order to encourage them. He built a school for the poor boys, and one of his students was St. Dominic Savio!
Don Bosco impressed upon the youth the importance of purity, charity, and hard work. Eventually he founded the Society of St. Francis de Sales in order to expand his mission and continue after his death. This order is now known as the Salesians.
Ask the special intercession of St. John Bosco by wearing his sacred medal!
Product Details
- 0.87" (standard size)
- Nickel
- Italian metalwork
- Fits in your scapular pocket

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