Miraculous Medal

SKU: sku-42601718546583
Sale price$5.95 USD
Color: Standard


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Originally called the Medal of the Immaculate Conception, this became known as the Miraculous Medal after numerous miracles were confirmed to have come from Our Lady’s intercession through this precious sacramental. Our premium miraculous medals come in regular and large sizes, and can feature an optional blue background for an extra Marian touch!

In 1830, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to St. Catherine Laboure, revealing the only sacred medal she has personally designed and asked us to wear. Her stance on the globe in the vision represents her dominion as Queen of Heaven and Earth, while her foot crushes the head of the serpent from Genesis. Rays of light stream from her fingertips, echoing the many graces she obtains for her children who ask. Some of the rays are dark, indicating that many graces are unable to be dispensed because no one asks for them. The year inscribed on the globe under her feet is the year of the apparition.

The image is surrounded by the words, “O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.” This reaffirmed the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, which was newly defined at the time.

On the backside of the medal we see the hearts of Jesus and Mary on fire with love for us. The center features a cross with a bar below that represents the earth. Mary’s initial is intertwined with this symbol, indicating her close participation in the work of redemption. This image is surrounded by Our Lady’s crown of twelve stars referenced in Revelation, thought to represent the Apostles and therefore the Church as a whole.

Product Details

  • 0.87" (standard size) 
  • Nickel
  • Italian metalwork
  • Fits in your scapular pocket!
  • Optional blue background

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Jeff Doughty
Customer Satisfaction :
Recommendations: I can’t think of one.
My Saint Metals

Easy to use website with affordable medals. I’ll definitely be back.