Handmade Italian Wall Crucifix - St. Benedict Design
Make an effort each day to look upon the cross, touch the wounds of Christ, kiss them, and thank Him for dying that we have life. We will never make space for Christ in our hearts if we don't make space for him in our homes. Invite Christ into your home with a beautiful Italian-made wall crucifix, and look upon the cross daily for the grace to live the Christian life well. These beautiful crucifixes are great for a shared space in your home, like the living room, as well as the office or anywhere you want that daily reminder of Christ's sacrifice. Imported from Italy, they are built by the finest craftsmen in the world, and the first company to produce an official St. Benedict crucifix.
Hand-assembled with meticulous attention to detail, the St. Benedict Medal is properly secured to the front and back and the stunningly detailed corpus is fastened with through-nails. With a solid metal frame and a dark wood inlay, these durable crucifixes are perfect for wherever you are going.