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Need Help Deciding What To Do For Lent? - The Catholic Woodworker

Need Help Deciding What To Do For Lent?

Over the past few weeks, my inbox and news feeds have slowly filled up with a collection of Lent articles and videos.  This probably won't be your first time taking Lent seriously, and if you are l...

The Duty of the Present Moment - The Catholic Woodworker

The Duty of the Present Moment

Everyday we are presented with opportunities to practice self-denial and resignation to God's will. If we can't handle a mild irritation, how will we be ready when God calls us to make a truly gre...

PrayerPerseverance and Renewal - The Catholic Woodworker

Perseverance and Renewal

This begs the question: Would I recognize Jesus?  I think it's safe to say that most of the time the answer is no, and the main reason is found in Fr. Sebastien's words above.  "Grace...is a reali...

Mental HealthHealing for Mind and Soul - The Catholic Woodworker

Healing for Mind and Soul

Do I still struggle with anxiety?  Yes.  That's why I refer to it as a cross, but there's a difference between battling anxiety and letting it run your life.  That's what was happening in the past....

Mental HealthThe Cross will carry YOU - The Catholic Woodworker

The Cross will carry YOU

On my worst days I can fall victim to being anxious about my anxiety where I'm convinced that this cross is a barrier to God's will being realized in my life. If instead we surrender that struggl...

Public Enemy #1 - Part 2

I wrote an article on Monday called Public Enemy #1 about my encounter in adoration.  In that email I challenged you to think about the #1 habitual sin in your life, and I offered some suggestions ...

Public Enemy #1

When we look at our own plans and prayerfully discern God's plans for us, it's important to account for the obstacles. What is the #1 sin in your life that's getting in the way of living the life ...

2021 - A Year in Review - The Catholic Woodworker

2021 - A Year in Review

Happy New Year from all of us here at The Catholic Woodworker. 2021 was an unforgettable year. It was a hard year. Many of us hoped that a new year would mean returning to some previous normal. It'...

Can you relate to my Advent experience?

This Advent, I want to work on being less fragmented, more present.  I can't be fully present to my wife, to our children, or to GOD in prayer if my life is disorganized.  Disorganized for me look...