How to Pray the Rosary: A Guide for Beginners

Even though I grew up praying the rosary with my family, I didn’t start praying it daily until I came back to my faith in 2012. Back then, I was going through a dark and stressful period in my life and was desperate for change. So I decided to pick up the rosary and try praying it on my way to work to see if it would help.
At first, I simply recited the prayers, often thinking about work the whole time. But just showing up each day to pray, even imperfectly, had a profound impact on my life and faith in the long run. To this day, I credit Mary and the rosary for being the reason why I have a relationship with Jesus at all.
But I know that getting started with the rosary can feel overwhelming, especially if it’s new or unfamiliar to you. Whether you’re a new convert, a returning Catholic, or looking to strengthen your connection with God, I’ve put together this step-by-step guide to help you start praying the rosary with confidence.

Praying the Rosary Step-by-Step

The rosary consists of five decades, with each decade made up of an Our Father, ten Hail Marys, and a Glory Be. Each decade focuses on a specific event in the lives of Jesus and Mary, known as a mystery. These mysteries are grouped into four categories: the Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, and Luminous Mysteries.

Step 1: Get a Rosary

A physical rosary helps you keep track of your prayers and focus your thoughts. 

But if you don’t have one yet, don’t let that stop you. You can always count the prayers on your fingers or pray along with a guided rosary recording until you get one. The most important thing is to start.

Step 2: Begin with the Sign of the Cross

While holding the crucifix, make the Sign of the Cross.

Step 3: Pray the Opening Prayers

Next, say the opening prayers while holding the crucifix and the first five beads above it:

  • Pray the Apostles’ Creed on the crucifix.
  • Pray the Our Father on the first bead.
  • Pray three Hail Marys on the next three beads, one on each, for an increase in faith, hope, and love.
  • Pray the Glory Be on the bead right below the centerpiece.

Step 4: Announce the Mystery

Before you announce the mystery, you need to decide which set of mysteries you’re going to meditate on. You can choose to pray any set of mysteries you like or you can follow the weekly structure that the Church gives us:

After choosing which set of mysteries to pray, hold the bead just below the centerpiece and announce the first mystery to begin your decade. Say the name of the mystery out loud or in your head, like this: “The First Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation.” This helps guide your thoughts and prepare you for meditation.

Step 5: Begin the First Decade and Meditate on the Mystery


  • Pray 10 Hail Marys, one on each of the 10 beads, while meditating on the mystery.
  • Pray the Glory Be while holding the space in between the tenth Hail Mary bead and the next Our Father bead.
  • Pray the (optional) Fatima Prayer in the same spot.

Pro Tip: To meditate, visualize the scene of the mystery while praying the Hail Marys. Imagine being there—standing with Mary at the Annunciation or witnessing Jesus carry His cross.

If you struggle with this at first, don't worry! It takes practice, so keep returning to the rosary, even if you're just saying the prayers without much meditation.

Step 6: Pray the Remaining Mysteries

Continue praying the mysteries in this way all the way around the rosary:

  • Announce the mystery while holding the Our Father bead.
  • Pray the Our Father.
  • Pray ten Hail Marys on the next ten beads while meditating on the mystery.
  • Pray the Glory Be by holding the space in between the last Hail Mary bead and the larger Our Father bead.
  • Pray the (optional) Fatima Prayer in the same spot. 

Step 7: Closing Prayers

Once you work your way around the rosary, you’ll end up back at the centerpiece. 

To finish, hold the centerpiece as you: 

And that’s it—you’ve prayed one entire rosary!

Overcoming Common Challenges When Praying the Rosary

1. "I Get Distracted"

Distractions are normal. Instead of getting discouraged, gently refocus your mind on the mystery and keep going. 

Try praying with a guided rosary recording on the Hallow App or on YouTube with the Rosary Crew with Keith Nester to see if this helps you focus.

2. "I Don’t Know All the Prayers"

Pull up all the prayers linked in this blog before you sit down to pray or reference a rosary guide while you're still learning them. And know that repeating the prayers will help you memorize them over time.

3. "I Struggle to Make It a Habit"

Start small! If the full rosary feels overwhelming, try praying just one decade a day. You can use a pocket rosary, designed to pray a decade at a time, or a full-length rosary to do this.

To make your rosary habit stick, connect it to something else in your routine. For example, if you always have coffee in the morning, pair it with your prayer time so you don’t forget to say your rosary.

4. "I Don’t Think I’m Doing It Right"

There is no such thing as "perfect" prayer. Even if you struggle to focus, every effort to pray is a valuable opportunity to receive God’s grace.

Think of the rosary as Servant of God, Dolindo Ruotolo described it: "The decades of the rosary are like the belt of a machine gun: every bead is a shot, every affection of the soul is an explosion of faith that frightens off Satan, and Mary once more crushes his head."

Just keep showing up, no matter how distracted or imperfect your prayers feel, and know that Mary will guide you to her Son. 

Helpful Rosary Resources for Beginners

  • Daily Rosary Groups – Check with your local parish to see if it has a group that meets to pray the rosary together. Another good option is Keith Nester’s Rosary Crew, a daily live-streamed rosary community designed to keep you committed and connected in prayer.
  • Beginner-Friendly Rosaries – Praying with the right rosary can make all the difference in keeping you motivated. Check out our collection of beautiful, durable handcrafted rosaries to find one you can pray with for the long haul.
  • Books – Explore our top book picks in-store to learn more about the rosary and the lives of the saints.

Ground Your Faith in the Rosary

As you start this journey with the rosary, remember this quote from St. Louis de Montfort:

"Arm yourselves with the arms of God — with the holy rosary — and you will crush the devil’s head and you will stand firm in the face of all his temptations."

The rosary is more than just a set of prayers—it’s a powerful spiritual weapon. When you commit to it, it can strengthen your faith, draw you closer to Christ, and keep you grounded on the path to holiness.
Simply trust that Mary will take your efforts, no matter how small, and use them to lead you to her Son.
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