Mysteries of the Rosary
The Joyful Mysteries (Monday and Saturday)
- The Annunciation - the fruit of the mystery is humility
- The Visitation - the fruit of the mystery is charity
- The Birth of Jesus - the fruit of the mystery is love of God
- The Presentation - the fruit of the mystery is obedience
- The Birth of Jesus - the fruit of the mystery is zeal
The Luminous Mysteries (Thursday)
- The Baptism of Jesus - the fruit of the mystery is obedience
- The Wedding Feast at Cana - the fruit of the mystery is trust in God
- The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God - the fruit of the mystery is Conversion
- The Transfiguration - the fruit of the mystery is spirit of worship
- The Institution of the Eucharist - the fruit of the mystery is heart of thanksgiving
The Sorrowful Mysteries (Tuesday and Friday)
- The Agony in the Garden - the fruit of the mystery is sorrow for sins
- The Scourging at the Pillar - the fruit of the mystery is self denial
- The Crowning of Thorns - the fruit of the mystery is moral courage
- The Carrying of the Cross - the fruit of the mystery is patience
- The Crucifixion - the fruit of the mystery is final perseverance
The Glorious Mysteries (Wednesday and Sunday)
- The Resurrection - the fruit of the mystery is faith
- The Ascension - the fruit of the mystery is hope
- The Descent of the Holy Spirit - the fruit of the mystery is gifts of the Holy Spirit
- The Assumption - the fruit of the mystery is a happy death
- The Crowning of Mary in Heaven - the fruit of the mystery is love of Mary