Lessons Learned Camping With The Boys

Lessons Learned Camping With The Boys - The Catholic Woodworker


Eric and I took the boys camping this weekend along with a good friend of ours.  We had an awesome weekend, and made some great memories.  I wanted to share a few lessons I learned leading up to and during the weekend.

Guard Your Time

The three of us had this shared interest in taking the boys camping.  We started talking about it in the spring and when the school year was done, we looked at the family calendars and quickly realized we needed to do a better job planning.  The entire summer calendar was already full!  So we looked at the fall, and picked a weekend.  We all agreed with the support of our wives that something was going to pop up that weekend, and that we'd have to say no in order to say yes to camping.  By the week of we had no less than 5 major conflicts: Fall Festival at Church, 2 baseball games, a football game, and Tech Week for Christian Youth Theatre.

We knew this was important, we planned ahead, and we guarded that time.  No, it didn't go according to plan, but camping happened, the mission was accomplished.  Whether it's daily prayer time, a holy hour of adoration, a weekend retreat, or faith-filled guy's weekend, it won't happy if you don't plan it and guard that time.  

God Has The Plan

The morning we were scheduled to leave, my youngest woke up feeling queezy.  His twin was showing symptoms of something else.  This was NOT part of the plan!  Part of me wasn't interested in anything getting in the way.  While the other guys were heading to the campsite, I was heading to Med Check for Flu and Strep tests.  Thankfully, everything was negative which meant something viral, but we still had 2 sick kids.  We had to alter the plan.  The guys were supportive and after a few hours of shifting things around, we were on the road.  I got one-on-one time with our middle son, and my wife got the same with our youngest.  God had the plan, we just needed to trust Him. 

The Month of the Holy Rosary

It's a VERY exciting month AND week here at The Catholic Woodworker.  October 7th is the Feast of the Holy Rosary, and it seemed like a fitting day to launch to new Custom Rosary Designer.   I'll be sharing the new designs with you throughout the week along with some recommended resources for praying the rosary.  If the rosary isn't part of your daily prayer life, but you want it to be, tune in this week for some great resources.

Reading next

In the School of the Holy Spirit: Inspiring Texts - The Catholic Woodworker
Consecration to Mary - The Catholic Woodworker