How to Discern If God Is Calling You to Go on a Pilgrimage

How to Discern If God Is Calling You to Go on a Pilgrimage

Over the last 10 years, I’ve gone on countless mini pilgrimages in my hometown and while traveling domestically for work.

And when it comes to pilgrimage discernment, I keep it pretty simple:

Before I decide to go, I recognize a need for intentional time with God, prayerfully carve out some space in my schedule to dedicate to it, and then find a nearby chapel, church, or shrine to serve as my pilgrimage site.

Though it feels natural to me now, my discernment process wasn’t always so clear cut, especially when I was first coming back to my faith.

So if you’re new to pilgrimages or unsure of whether or not God is calling you to go on one, you’re in the right place. Read on to find my favorite questions to take to prayer and determine if a pilgrimage is right for you — be it to a local adoration chapel or halfway around the world.

4 Questions to Help Guide Your Pilgrimage Discernment

To discern anything well, we have to take time to be silent and hear God’s voice first.

“Before you speak, it is necessary for you to listen, for God speaks in the silence of the heart.”

— Saint Mother Teresa

So before taking the following questions to prayer, spend some quiet time with God contemplating Scripture in front of your home crucifix or while praying the rosary.

Once you’ve done that, consider these questions in prayer:

Do I truly want to go on a pilgrimage to deepen my relationship with God?

A pilgrimage is more than just a trip; it’s a spiritual journey meant to enrich your relationship with God above and beyond the means typically available to you in your daily life. Reflect on whether your desire to go stems from a yearning to grow closer to God or simply from a sense of obligation or even the fear of missing out.

Can I make space in my schedule and finances to go on a pilgrimage?

Depending on the type of pilgrimage you choose, you may need to invest a significant amount of time and money to make it happen. How much of a time and financial commitment do you feel comfortable making? Consider if these sacrifices will be manageable knowing your other duties and responsibilities. And if an international pilgrimage is out of reach right now, research local or regional opportunities instead.

Click here to see a list of some amazing U.S. pilgrimage sites for this Jubilee Year.

Is this a wise choice for me in my life right now?

While a pilgrimage can be transformative, it’s important to think about if it’s feasible in your current season of life. Are there any personal, familial, or professional factors that might make going on a pilgrimage difficult or distracting right now? Know that God will guide you to a decision that makes sense for you.

Will this help me become the person God is calling me to be?

Reflect on the purpose of a pilgrimage in your spiritual journey. Whether to a nearby shrine or a distant sacred site, ask yourself if this experience will lead you to deeper faith, increased holiness, and a better understanding of your vocation as a follower of Christ.

After reflecting on these questions, ask God to reveal His will for you, taking time to be still and open to His presence. (And if you’re struggling to hear the Holy Spirit, try taking your prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament.)

Trusting God’s Timing in Your Pilgrimage Discernment

Whether near or far, a pilgrimage can be a powerful spiritual experience. But like all matters of discernment, you can only determine if now is the right time to go on one by engaging in prayerful conversation with God.

And if now is not the right time for a pilgrimage, that doesn’t mean it never will be. Trust that God’s timing is perfect and revisit these questions in the future when you feel ready to discern again.

Make sure you don’t miss future blog posts, including more upcoming pilgrimage posts in this Jubilee Year, by joining The Catholic Woodworker email list here.

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