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Walking in Faith in 2021 - The Catholic Woodworker

Walking in Faith in 2021

In the Gospel of John, Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (14:27). I ...

How to Have Peace Without Having Control - The Catholic Woodworker

How to Have Peace Without Having Control

Make no mistake: what’s going on in the world matters. Current events are not inconsequential. Elections DO have consequences. The evil that used to cautiously lurk in the shadows seems to be danci...

Meditating on the Fruits of the Mysteries - The Catholic Woodworker

Meditating on the Fruits of the Mysteries

Meditating on the spiritual fruit of each mystery -- a specific virtue that we can aspire to live out in our own lives like Jesus and Mary -- can make our prayer experience deeper and our devotion ...

Examination of ConscienceYour Best Ability is your Availability - The Catholic Woodworker

Your Best Ability is your Availability

The logical assumption would be that the person getting promoted is #1 in something or everything, but if you think about it from the lens of a manager, if I have a team member who is always so bus...

Prayer4 Tips for Winning the Prayer Battle - The Catholic Woodworker

4 Tips for Winning the Prayer Battle

Turning away from prayer means turning away from union with God.  Maybe you don’t understand prayer or know where to start... for others we know prayer is important, but continue to struggle with “...

Feast DaySt. Maxamilian Kolbe: A final address to the knights of the Immaculata - The Catholic Woodworker

St. Maxamilian Kolbe: A final address to the knights of the Immaculata

I was introduced to St. Maximilian's story by Father Michael Gaitley just over 3 years ago at our local Men's Conference.  His martyrdom, offering his life in a concentration camp as ransom for an...

Holy FamilySt. Joseph and a Lesson in Obedience - The Catholic Woodworker

St. Joseph and a Lesson in Obedience

There is something about our fallen nature that compels us to disobedience. We are all guilty of it…except one: St. Joseph (I’m not counting Mary because she was free from original sin). There is ...